Whether you want to save more, earn more or pay off your debts, having money mantras, manifestations, or affirmations can help you achieve your financial goals.
Do you believe that “when you set your mind to it, you can achieve it?” Whether you believe this to be true or not, here’s one thing I’m convinced of: our mindset is very powerful. And having money mantras can be instrumental in achieving financial freedom and prosperity.
What is a Mantra?
Some people have only heard or read of the word “mantra,” but they never really bothered knowing what it means.
The word mantra is of Buddhist and Hindu origins, two religions that are deep believers in meditation. “Man” means mind, and “tra” means vehicle or instrument. Therefore, a mantra is a vehicle of the mind. It is a word, phrase, or sentence you think and speak of during meditation.
What are Money Mantras?
Even those who don’t really meditate believe that money mantras are effective. Money mantras are declarations or affirmations to yourself, and these phrases and sentences are powerful enough to influence your mindset.
Whether you seek financial abundance, want to build wealth, or find success, money mantras hold so much power that they attract whatever it is we set our minds to. With money mantras, you are basically telling yourself to believe in a certain thought.
Money mantras act as an anchor for the choices you make in your financial life. It helps silence the overwhelming noise in your brain by letting you focus on what you believe in. Your money mantras tell you to stay positive amidst the crisis and trust that you can overcome anything that comes your way.
So instead of focusing on what’s lacking, your flaws and imperfections, your money mantras allow you to stay strong, calm and remain positive in life.
How Do You Make Money Mantras Work For You?
If you want to achieve financial freedom and prosperity, then you should start with your mindset. You should believe that you can and you will. And if you focus on your money mantras often enough, you start to think they are true.
But it’s often not enough to have a money mantra and achieve your financial goals like magic. There’s some work you have to do.
Say and Repeat Your Money Mantras Often and Every Day
The best way to harness the power of a positive mindset is to speak and repeat your affirmations. You could say it out loud or think of it in your mind. You could write it down, put it in your phone lock, and even sing it. What matters is you speak, think and hear of your money mantras often enough that you start to feel all that positive energy coming into you.
Create Your Own Money Mantra
You will find later that there are a couple of money mantras, but that doesn’t mean you have to copy all of them.
You can create a mantra that’s highly specific to you — one that resonates with your goals and aspirations. Mantras or affirmations, in that sense, are very personal.
There are all sorts of money mantras out there but think where you want to focus the most. If you want to find financial success and attract abundance by finding a high-paying job or starting your own business, then focus your mantra on that instead of something that takes lesser priority at the moment.
Being clear and specific with your mantras also allows you to be more clear and specific about what you want to attract.
Money Mantras Are Motivators, But They Won’t Do the Work for You
You will not become rich or achieve financial freedom just because you said it or thought about it. Mantras aren’t magic spells that make something appear or disappear.
Instead, you could think of mantras as a prompt, a motivator, or even a cheerleader. If you speak, think, and hear of your affirmations often enough, and you believe that it is true, then the next step would be to take action.
So if you believe that you will attract a high-paying job, then you will only apply for high-paying jobs. If you believe you will attract financial abundance by starting a business, consider creating a business plan and doing market research and feasibility studies.
The bottom line is that you take action based on the money mantras that you believe in. From just speaking and thinking about it, mantras prompt you to actually start doing it.
Money Mantras for Financial Freedom and Success
Want to start attracting financial prosperity, build wealth, and live your life on your own terms? Here are some of the best affirmations or money mantras to help you develop a healthier relationship with money.
1. “I am a money magnet”
This is a very popular mantra, and it basically affirms that you naturally attract money. With this mantra, you believe that money flows to you easily and consistently.
Your thoughts are centered on you, being a magnet for money. You are always creating opportunities to increase your income. You are always building wealth and empowering your financial life because money constantly flows into and around you.
It does not always imply that you are enriching your income or it’s you who is building wealth. Indirectly, you could become a money magnet by attracting more customers to your client’s business, closing deals for the organization you work for, or helping family and friends find money-making opportunities.
2. “I release all resistance to building wealth”
This is one of the most powerful affirmations because you are declaring that you can overcome any form of hindrance or struggle that prevents you from getting rich and achieving financial freedom. Nothing can stop you from living the life you deserve.
When you release all resistance to building wealth, you fight and dispel negative energy. This mantra teaches you the power of having a healthy mindset towards money and holding positive thoughts all the time. All your thoughts, actions, and decisions put you right on track to attaining financial prosperity.
3. “I always have enough”
One of the negative mindsets that stop people from creating a life of abundance is that resources are scarce and that they will always run out. But you can rewire your mindset and change the narrative of your money stories by thinking that you will always have enough today and in the future.
This is what happens when you shift from a scarcity to an abundance mindset. The abundance mindset tells you that you will never run out and that there are more than enough resources to go around. You have the skills, the opportunities, and everything that it takes to bring your life to the next level. You are not afraid to take the leap because you know resources will always be abundant.
4. “My glass is always full”
We’ve all heard the phrase about a glass either being half-empty or half-full. But this thought only propagates a negative mindset. Even when you think that your glass is half-full, you might still feel a sense of lack because there’s always a need to fill it. You are not content.
This mantra, however, tells you that resources are always ever-flowing. As an optimist, you believe that the glass is always full. There is an abundance around you, opportunities are refillable, so your glass will never lack or run out.
5. “I have an attitude of gratitude”
Another great way of unlocking wealth is to be grateful for all the things you already have and for what’s coming. Take a look around you, and you’ll see that there are so many things to be grateful for, may they be big or small.
So when you create and practice this mantra, your financial stories gravitate toward being thankful because God and the universe have supplied and will continue to supply all your needs and wants.
6. “I deserve the best life”
Declaring that you deserve the best life fuels you to work towards your goals and aspirations. Whether you want to become rich and increase your net worth, be better in your career or financial life, or find happiness and fulfillment in all areas of your life, you should not let anything hold you back.
When you think of life this way, you control your mind, actions, and decisions, and you begin to look out for your best interests. You become more open to change, and you don’t let fear or inhibitions stop you from taking the next steps. You believe that your best life is already made and awaiting you.
7. “My income increases constantly“
It’s a fact that not everything in life comes our way. Sometimes we experience low-earning months, and these may get us feeling down or negative about our wealth.
But when you believe that your income constantly increases, whether or not it’s a high-earning month, you are making a verbal invitation for wealth and invitation to come into your life.
You already believe that you will make more sales, you will close more deals, win more clients or have the energy to click in more hours. You believe in the power of more things coming your way, allowing you to live a rich and abundant life.
8. “The money I give comes back to me multiple times”
You experience great happiness when you share your blessings with worthy causes, and you don’t mind parting with money this way. You are generous because the universe has been generous to you, and you want people to experience that same financial success because you believe there is always enough for everyone to enjoy.
A lot of financially successful people are joyful givers. They believe that their financial prosperity is a blessing for everyone to enjoy. Giving freely invites more wealth to come your way.
9. “I love money, and money loves me”
Always believe that you are a great creator of wealth. Money comes naturally to you because you love money, and money loves you. You have an abundance mindset, you know your worth, and there is a flow of money to you day in and day out.
This positive thought is very powerful because it prompts you to keep creating money through multiple streams, you recognize and attract more opportunities for building wealth and prosperity in your life. You are able to take control because the universe ensures that you never go lacking.
10. “I am close to financial freedom each day”
When it comes to financial goals, financial freedom is one that often comes up. Financial freedom allows you to live the life you deserve without worrying about your financial future. You are building your future life with security and abundance.
Put this mantra into practice, and you will notice that all your thoughts and actions are aligned with this goal.
Money mantras are short yet powerful declarations or affirmations you think or speak of every day. When you speak or think of these affirmations often enough on a daily basis, you start manifesting these mantras to be true.
But the key to making money mantras to work in your financial life is to put them into practice in your mind, in your heart, and in your real life. A mantra is not a wish that you ask from a genie, but it’s something that you already believe to be true.
And when you believe in something so strongly, you release all the negative thoughts, and you overcome challenges with strong will and positive energy.
Do you believe in money mantras? How are these affirmations and manifestations working in your life so far? Let’s connect in the comments.
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